Sis, does this sound like you right now? 

  • You are new to manifestation and mindset and don’t know where to begin. 
  • You feel alone on your journey and don’t have anyone to turn to for guidance and help. You could really use a guide to help you sort through everything. 
  • You are craving to learn more on all things manifestation and mindset, but are getting lost in all of the information out there.
  • You are ready to transform your life, but can’t break past your old limiting thoughts and beliefs.
  • You are doing all of the things you’ve been told to manifest, but just aren’t seeing results you were hoping for.
When I first started my manifestation and mindset journey 7+ years ago, I felt excited, but overwhelmed, and optimistic, but not seeing results. But today sis, I am here to share with you that you CAN make all of your dreams your reality, and the KEY is this, learning the manifestation and mindset basics in a step-by-step process to take out all of the confusion and overwhelm! Having a guide to provide you everything you actually need to know, in a step-by-step process with all of the information laid out in one place.

Picture this sis!






Okay sis, doesn't that sound amazing?! 🤩

But I get it, I know what you’re thinking…

Sis, even if it might not seem like it right now, you are the creator of your life and you do get to shape your reality. Everything you think and dream about, can be a possibility for you because nothing would be placed on your heart if it wasn’t already meant for you

Allow for me to show you the way. Be willing to allow yourself the gift of investing in yourself to learn the tools, techniques and mindset shifts to help you get there and to help you live out your dream life starting today.

Sis, I know this course will help you because it’s everything that I have learned and practiced on myself over the 7+ year manifestation and mindset journey I have personally been on, and I can confidently say that I really am living the life of my dreams. I manifested my soulmate, my dream car, a beautiful home, moving across the country, and SO much more! And also sis, I am confidently making strides to always reach my next manifestation too! I am always evolving, growing and reaching for more! And I know that I can do anything I set my mind to because I have the tools, resources and knowledge to turn all of my dreams into my reality.

In Manifestation and Mindset Simplified you are going to be provided with all of the information, resources and tools that you actually need to know to help you live your dream life one day at a time. With this course you are going to learn the step-by-step process I use and have refined over time. Sis, this stuff works and I am so excited to share it with you! Here is a brief overview on what you’ll learn in this course. 

Mindset 101 

Radical self love and being your own best friend

How we can rewire our subconscious minds 

Letting go and releasing limiting beliefs

Tapping into your intuition

Daily practices for mindset


Manifestation 101

What manifestation is and how it works

The explanation of energy and frequency 

How to work with quantum physics 

The 12 Universal Laws

How to connect with your higher self


This is where the Manifestation and Mindset Simplified Course come in sis! ⬇️

Hi, I’m Kallie! And I'm here to be your Spiritual Sister!🌟

I am so happy to have you here! I already feel like we are BFFs! 💕

I started my manifestation and spirituality journey 7+ years ago all thanks to my sweet mom. (Hi mom!🙋‍♀️) She took me to the Tony Robbins event, Unleash the Power Within, and my life was forever changed!

Since then I have learned SO much about all things manifestation, spirituality and clean living. But most importantly, I have also grown as an individual.

But I’ll be the first one to tell you all of this didn’t come easily to me. I went through (and still go through at times) days of confusion, feeling alone because I didn’t have anyone to talk to about my new interest, and I was craving to learn even more, but didn’t have access to the resources I have today.

So if you are going through something similar, or even not, please know you are not alone! I’ve been where you are! But sis, I am here to tell you that you are not alone on your journey! I am here to cheer you on and be your biggest freaking cheerleader EVER! And I mean that!

And that is exactly why I am here. I am here to help YOU live out your best life one day at a time. This is my soul’s purpose and the exact meaning for my life. I can feel it, sis, deep in my soul. We’re meant to be on this journey together and to be the best spiritual sisters! 💫

So thank you for making your way here, to my website, (PS, that is so wild I finally get to say that - Eeekkk!🤩) and being a big part in my journey. Please know that I appreciate the heck out of you! And I am beyond excited to be a big part in your journey too!

After taking this course you will go from feeling alone and lost on your new manifestation and mindset journey, unclear on how to manifest and how to use your mindset to your advantage, to feeling confident in yourself and your abilities to create the life of your dreams, knowing that you have everything you need already within yourself, and feeling supported along on your journey.

Pricing Options

Option 1 - Pay in full and receive instant access to the course for $275
Option 2 - Pay over 4 months for $75 a month and receive instant access to the course
*Please note that due to the digital nature of this course, this course is non-refundable.


More confidence in yourself and your abilities to create the life of your dreams. Motivated to reach your goals and set new standards for your life. Inspired to take daily aligned action to work alongside the Universe. And have a better understanding on how your mind plays a key role in the creation of your reality.

Here's what clients are saying...

"Kallie really helped set me up with a new outlook on challenging times! I find myself in a more positive mindset than ever before. Kallie, thank you so much!" - Sara

“Kallie is absolutely a light, a gorgeous soul. If you are interested in self development, positive mindset, and manifestation, enrolling in coaching with Kallie will bless you in so many ways.” - Hallie

I can't wait to work with you too, sis!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long does this course take?

A: The beauty of Manifestation and Mindset Simplified is that you can take it at the pace that suits you! So you can work it into your schedule and complete it in as much or as little time as you would like.

Q: Will I have lifetime access to this course?

A: Yes! You will be able to take this course time and time again, and should I ever make updates to it in the future, you will also receive those updates as well.

Q: Will I be able to work with you 1:1 through this course?

A: While you'll have direct access to me via email and DM, there are no 1:1 sessions. However, since you purchased the course, you can receive a discount on a single 1:1 session or my signature 6 weeks program. DM me for more details.

Q: Will I be able to get a refund if I don't enjoy the course?

A: Due to the digital nature of this course, no refunds will be issued.

Q: How many lessons are there?

A: This course is broken up into two segments, manifestation and mindset. Each segments has 10+ video lessons, along with worksheets, meditations, and sup-lamentable learning materials.

Q: How else can I work with you?

A: We can work together 1:1 through my signature 6 weeks program, we can set up a single 1:1 session, and we can also work together through group coaching too if you have others that would like to join. You can learn more about all of these options here!

Example Curriculum

  Welcome + Introduction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  My Story + More About Me
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Mindset 101
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Manifestation 101
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Where to go from here
Available in days
days after you enroll

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